Jul 23, 2009

Cake Decorations.

Hello, hello, hello to all my followers and my visitors.
I just wanted to let you guys know what I've been up to for the past month or so.
Because my boys are on summer break so there is no driving back and forward to school several times a day, I have some free time on my hands. My mom always said to use my time wisely, and I listen to my mom.
I signed up for Wilton cake decorating classes.
I can tell you that I love it. Today is my last day of course 2, and I signed for course 3 already.
It's great, you learn how to make the icing, piping techniques, how to ice a cake to get that professional look. It's pretty much like attending edible art classes (LOL ).
I posted some pictures with my edible art. And if my cake comes out right i'll post a picture later tonight or tomorrow. Only if it is as I imagine it to be.

Here are some royal icing pansies.

Some white daises.

Yellow chrysanthemum.

Daises and pansies.

Those are my flowers for the cake that I'm going to decorate tonight in class.
Those are not perfect but I'm working on it. I have to practice some more.
Anyway if any of you has time or is interested in eatable art, I fully recommend the Wilton classes.


chow and chatter said...

these look great wow what fun

Laura said...

Hi Rebecca,
It is a lot of fun.

Cooking with tien said...

Hi, Laura,
This may be all the encouragement I need to take a class. I got started in making cards this year after years of thinking that I was artistic. It's great to always try to learn new skills.

-Tien :)

Laura said...

Hi Tien,
You are right, it so much fun learning new things.

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