I have to thank Kristy for the "Creative Blogger" award.
And I have to thank Shelly for "One Lovely Blog" award

Because I love this awards and I want to keep them ( or the award police is going to remove them LOL)
I am going to list seven things about myself.
I'm a sucker for my kids, I can't ground them, even if I do 1 hour later they are ungrounded. AND THEY KNOW THIS!
There is one thing I love more than baking and that is reading. I could spend an entire day curled up on the couch reading.
My favorite books to read is fiction, fantasy fiction. Yes, my dear friends I love gargoyles, dragons, ferries, witches and wizards. I guess we all have a kid inside us, mine comes "to light " when I read.
For my day to start right I have to be the first one up, so I can have my cup of coffee undisturbed.
I have a great stand up mixer ( was a very expensive gift from my husband) but to his dismay, I always knead the dough by hand.
I HATE shopping for cloths. But I could spend hours in the kitchen department.
The best compliment I ever got was from my son Cass when he was in SK. He told the teacher and everybody else that his mom is 19 years old ( I was 31). I couldn't convince him for the rest of the year otherwise. Now is an inside joke between us.
Furthermore I would like to give those awards to some of my foodie friends who inspire me everyday.
Simona @ Alison's trials
Dara @ Cooking' Canuck
Rebecca @ Chow and Chatter
Rachel @ Laptops and Stovetops
Tania @ Dulcis in Furno
Claudia @ Pegasuslegend
My foodie friends, when you pick up your awards and post it, please make sure you list 7 things about yourself and pass it to 7 other blogs.
Thank you!
I just received one more award from Rebecca at Chow and Chatter. It's a friendship award. Thank you Rebecca.
thanks so much for the award foodie friend, I am very touched by your comments and warm hearted friendship...you are most talented indeed to do this...thanks again
Claudia (pegasuslegend)
My pleasure Claudia,
oh thanks so much Laura so sweet of you your blog is great and you can really cook, great to learn a little more about you
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you Laura!!!
It's my pleasure Tania.
multumesc foarte mult,laura,ce surpriza placuta!cind gasesc un pic de timp vin sa le culeg!pupici multi !
Cu multa placere Simona. Hugs and kisses.
oh my goodness Laura! Thank you so kindly for passing this on to me. Its lovely gestures like this that make the blogging thing so, well, rewarding! Cheers! :-)
my Pleasure Rachel.
Laura, you're so funny! But me too, I like to wake up early to have my cup of coffee undisturbed too.... he he.. Nice to learn more about you. The most important thing was we had fun! Cheers.
You are right Kristy, i did have fun.
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